That'll Teach You!

Rachael was already sweating and it wasn't even 8 in the morning yet. She had had the entire weekend to get accustomed to her new life, or at least the life she would have for the next couple of weeks. Now it was Monday and she was still struggling. Dropping books and files, tripping over her feet in the less than comfortable shoes and finding the material of her clothes more than a little bit itchy. Rachael was really just another spoiled brat. She was pretty, popular and dating one of the handsomest, most popular jocks in school and she loved lording her power over all te little people in school, and make no doubt about. She considered the entire faculty fell into that category, from Doris, the sweetest and nicest cafeteria lady, to her principal and even Greg Saunders. Her least favourite teacher. Mr. Saunders was only her least favourite because he consistently expected more from her. He didn't let her get away with anything and shut her studly boyfriend down quickl...