Can I do this?

"Now I see why people like tea so much. It does give you a bit of a kick, and doesn't taste to bad either. Is this how I'm going to start my day  from now on?"

The weekend had been fun for Blair. No parents, video games as much as he wanted, and masturbating! Oh so much masturbating. He was a little embarrassed by that, but his aunt said she knew he wouldn't be able to resist. That was Friday evening, when he agreed to swap bodies with his aunt for the weekend. She said that she just wanted to remember what it was like to be young again and allow him to experience womanhood so that he could better his relationship with his girlfriend.

They were suppose to swap back mid afternoon Sunday, but their meeting time had come and went. Blair had waited for hours before calling his mother. He struggled a bit to find a way to turn a casual conversation with his 'sister' into an inquiry about his 'nephew'.  When he was able to ask how Blair was doing, he was shocked. "funny you should ask that Catherine," his mother said. "Blair and Francine showed up Friday night and said they were going away.I know he's only 17, but he's finished school and apparently has found a good job on the other side of the country. You should have come by. The left today around mid day."

Blair was shocked. He didn't know what to say. Was this his aunts plan all along? Was she in love with his girlfriend Francine? Francine never mentioned wanting to move. All these thoughts had gone through his head all evening and night, and he was still thinking about it this morning, while he drank is coffee and prepared to get dressed to go to a job he didn't know and was sure he couldn't do. Can I do this?


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