Don't wait up
"MOM! What are you wearing?"
"Oh. This little thing?" *giggle*
"Little is right. My tits are almost falling out of that thing."
"Nuh-uh. For now, don't you mean MY tits sweety, or should I say, mom?" "Eeewww! Don't say that! That disgusting old woman said this would only last a week and the week is up tomorrow afternoon. I only have to stop daddy from trying to have sex with me for one more night, then I get my beautiful body back. Not that you're not completely hot for a old woman. Now where did you find that dress?"
"Old woman? I'm not THAT old and I AM hot. Careful though, if you DO suc-cum-b to you father, we'll be stuck like this, although, you might just enjoy it. Your father is still a stud at his age. If you blow him but stop before he shoots his load, it shouldn't trap us like this. Oh, and Danny helped me pick the dress out at the mall the other day."
"Danny? MY boyfriend Danny? Oh god mom. Please stay away from him. We haven't had sex yet but he's been trying, really really hard, and eeeewwww again! Give my own father a blowjob? Totally gross and disgusting!"
"Well just give it some thought while Danny and I are at the dance. See you later, but don't wait up." Hmmm! I should probably tell her that it's already too late. I let Danny have his way in the change room at the mall. Wow! I forgot about young stamina. Makes up for what he doesn't know, but I can teach him. I just hope Natalie breaks and fucks her father tonight. Then she'll think she's the reason we're stuck like this. *giggle*

wickedly funny! Poor girl. nOt a nice mom.