You can't hide it from your wife
"Oh my god! What did you do to me? Why do I look and sound like my wife?" Steve was enjoying his weekly romp with his mistress, when suddenly she said some strange words which made his entire body feel as if it was on fire. When he looked down he saw 2 massive breasts and then noticed his penis as it shrank into his body to be replaced with a very familiar pussy. He knew he was in his wife's body, but couldn't figure out why. "Well my dear Steve, you see you're not with your little tramp. I'm actually your wife, inside this body. I found out months ago that you were cheating on me and decided to do something about it. My family has dabbled in magic for centuries, so it was nothing to grab one of my grandmother's old spell books and find the perfect spell to punish you. For now, and until I decide I've had MY fun, you can be me. Doing all the things I have to do to keep our home and family life together. Heather was actually quite apologetic, so I've allowed her to have your body. By the look on her face, she has some very interesting things planned for you. I'll enjoy Heather's lovely body, and of course, her and I will keep your weekly meeting with each other while you look after our children. You better hope this new found freedom doesn't end up being too appealing, or we might all just stay this way. Now, let's get ready. Your husband will be here to join us any minute. 

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