Well this is purrfect

Natalie looked across the room at her body, lying on the ground and slowly waking up. She wasn't quite sure what to expect. Only a short while ago she had been looking at her precious little boy, Pusspuss, and thinking how he had it made. "You get to lay around the house all day, have me wait on you hand and foot and a few short licks is all it takes to have you looking good. Nowhere near what I went through to put this outfit together. I wish I could get ready as easily as you do?"

The next thing she knew, she was watching her body crumple to the floor.She wasn't sure what was going on but went to race to her body to help, wen she noticed how close to the ground she was and that she was scrambling on all fours. "Oh my god! What's happening?" As she looked around, she could see that her body was much smaller and covered in hair. It didn't take long for her to realise she was in her own cat's body. She nudged her old body, trying to get it to react, but nothing. She went back and sat, trying not to panic. "OK, there must be a logical solution for this...why do I want tuna? this must be a dream...should I scratch those curtains? Wait, what?" 

As her body started to stir and rise, she somehow felt better. "Oh good, she's getting up, wait, she? I mean me. I better go over and find out what's going on...right after I work this knot in my hair out."

"Wha..a..a.tt happ..pp..pened?", Natalie heard her voice say.

"Did my body just speak?" 

"Where is all my hair? Why am I up so high? What are all these thoughts coming into my head?"

"Now I can find out what's going on." Natalie thought. "Meeooww!" "What the hell?", she thought, then got distracted by an itch further down.
"Well, I'm not sure how, but it would appear that I'm now my mistress and it feels oh, SO good!", the new Natalie said as Pusspuss stretched his new body out. How do you feel about that 'Pusspuss'?" he said, looking at Natalie in his old body.

The old Natalie simply lifted her leg and began licking her new balls. "Well, enjoy that why you can. I can see in your memories, you were about to have the removed from me. Guess we'll be keeping that appointment, Pusspuss.", the new Natalie laughed.

The new Pusspuss was oblivious as he continued to clean himself while his new master left to go on her date.


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