First Day of School (New Schoolgirl Series Part 1)

Brittany was watching her little brother as she was getting ready for school. Her mom was always scrambling around in the morning, trying to get things done before her eldest went off to school and she had to get her youngest to the babysitter. As a result, it was part of Brittany's 'duties' to watch her little brother Ethan. Her mom was always commenting that she couldn't wait for Ethan's first day of school to take some of the pressure off of her.

One morning, Brittany looked over to her brother and saw him playing with a red ball that seemed to be glowing from the inside. She had never seen it before with his toys and was curious as to where he got it. "Hey little guy. Where did you get that?" she said as Ethan help it up proudly.

As soon as she touched it, there was a large red flash and she passed out. She wasn't sure how long she was out for, but when she started to wake up, everything felt different and wrong. She also heard some familiar laughter and looked up to find herself bent down and smiling at her. She went to say something, but realised she didn't know what to say or even how to say it, so instead just started crying.

"Hey little guy. It's ok," Ethan in Brittany's body said as she let out another melodic giggle. "You don't have to cry. We're just helping mommy get her wish, although I don't think this is what she had in mind." giggle "Now you be good for your babysitter and maybe we'll see what we can do about fixing this later. It feels really weird but really awesome, wow, I love all these new words I have. I love my big sis but as cool as this is, I don't want to steal your life. All that being said, I'm so excited about today and my first day of school. Your body s so pretty. Thank you for lending it to me, Ethan!" giggle

Brittany couldn't do anything but cry again in her little brothers body. She didn't really understand what her brother was saying it, which just made her want to cry more, but all this crying was making her tired and she really wanted to be fed.


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