First Month of School (New Schoolgirl Series Finale)

"Hey Ethan! How are you little guy? I can see by that smile you've had on your face for the last week or so that all the confusion in your head is gone. That's good, cause it means you can enjoy growing up in that body. Who knows if you'll remember being Brittany when you get a bit older, but it won't really matter. This body and this life are all mine now."

"I feel a little bad as I promised we'd swap back, but to be honest, I never really tried, or even looked at trying. Being you has been incredible, well except for those few days before and during your, oops, I guess I should say MY period, but that's a small price to pay for all of this. Oh and I've sooooo fallen for Tim. I let him 'go all the way' yesterday and that was the final straw, so to speak. He was a bit fumbly, but it was the first time for both of us. I can't wait to see how my second and third and every time after that is. I've been reading up on a few things and I think there are a few things I'd like to try, not to mention he definitely deserves a little oral. After all, you made him wait so long for everything else. I plan to let him do a lot more. Anyway, it's almost time for school. I better let you get back to your busy play. Oh, and not that you'll understand, but your ball is safely put away somewhere that no one will find it. I'd hate to accidentally lose this perfect body and life like you did.

"Brittany! Tim's here to pick you up for school. Can you give me a minute before you leave? Just to make sure you're brother doesn't get into anything?"

"Sure can mom. I'm with the little guy now and he's fine."

The old Brittany could only smile. Now that she was all Ethan, the little bit of her that remembered being Brittany was buried too far back in her tiny, underdeveloped mind to have any influence on her. She just smiled at her big sister and laughed with her. It would take years for her to realise what she had lost.


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