My Replacement

"Now, we'll just do this up here, while still making sure the girls are well represented and you'll be ready to start your duties Daniel. Or should I say Danielle? Oh! Would you prefer Dani? That's kinda sexy. Yeah, we'll call you Dani."

"Wait! I thought this was our usual sex session with a little of that swapping you like to do mixed in? Why haven't you changed into me and why do I have blonde hair? What's going on??

"Oh my dear dear Dani. You've enjoyed having all this power, both as the CEO of this company and using your secretary, me, as your own, personal little fuck toy. Even when I introduced the swapping into some our daily sex sessions, you made it all about you, but that might be because you realised how incredible orgasms are in my body. Then that progressed into letting you pose as me for a little bit to add a little flair to things. All that time you never realised that I was gaining more and more information and knowledge about you. Cute little calls to your wife to let her talk. Reading up on all and every file. Reviewing all your old emails and the occasional lunch with the rest of the boys club. Now I feel that I know everything I need about you. Now, I think we'll walk you around the office and introduce you as my replacement. See, I put my notice in weeks ago in preparation for this. I couldn't let you just take my life and possibly use it against me so you'll become a version of me. The blonde hair and a few other subtle differences make you look different enough. You can still have all my clothes and even my apartment, but I'll simply fade away and there will be no more Catherine. You'll take over in my menial job. ALL of my tasks. Including sucking your old cock, which you seemed to like doing a bit too much while in my body. I've already let everyone know you're currently out for lunch. I'll simply walk out with a box of all my 'stuff'' including your suit and clothes and return about a half hour later to assume your life. It will all be so perfect."

"I'll tell everyone. You'll never get away with this. Change me back now and I won't completely destroy you professionally."

"How's that Dani?"

"Stop calling me that!"

"But it's your name. And no, I will not give you your body back. And I'm the only one that can, so be careful trying to out me and ruin my fun or it could backfire pretty bad for you and your career. I have to tell you. I've grown quite fond of your wife Brenda during our conversations and I can't wait to show her how much more effort you're going to put into the relationship now. Especially in the bedroom. Now, let's go introduce you to the team so I can get on with running your, I mean MY company."


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