You can't be here, dressed like that

"Jesus Christ Dylan! Where the hell have you been and what the hell are you wearing?"

"Oh, just a little something that was at the back of your moms closet. Looks pretty damn good on my body, don't you think? Oh, and if feels oh, so very good! Can you believe how long my legs look in these fabulous shoes?"

"Fabulous shoes? Your body? What are you going on about bro? Mr Brykowski has been waiting for over half an hour for you. I might be in even more shit than before I asked you to do this so my mom and dad wouldn't find out. You can't be here, dressed like that. Fuck dude! I'll get detention til I retire at this rate."

"Oh relax silly. I'm a little late, but it couldn't be helped. You father walked in when I was finding something to wear and kept me...occupied, for a little while. He helped pick out this dress. He believes that Mr Brykowski will be so turned on by looking at how hot I am, that he'll forget what he has to say and this will be over quickly."

"Oh no! Did you tell my dad what's going on? Why I'm in trouble? He's going to KILL me!"

"Oh sweety, relax. Your father doesn't know anything other than he has to be here in 15 minutes to pick me up so we can go out for a romantic evening. That's why he wants this interview over quickly. He never even asked what it's about, and if he does, I think I'm learning how to distract him really well."

"I think I'm going to be sick! Did you make out with my dad? What do you mean a romantic evening and who the hell are you calling sweety Dylan?"

"Now Michael. I won't put up with you talking to your mother like that. I may overlook this latest incident, but if you keep this up, your friend Dylan will have to go straight home when he wakes up later, and that's likely not the best idea. I think he'll need you to calm him down and explain how his life has changed. You can send him home in the morning, hopefully before your father ad I get home. As for making out with my husband, a little time on her knees is the least a woman can do for her hubby. Now lets get this meeting over with. Your father has some, big, plans for me later. "


  1. sexy & funny. He sure likes her life better than his own, I hope the new om wll discploine HEr son. LOL! & I wonder hoe the new Dylan will like HIS new life?


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