I Think I Can Make This All Better

"Krissy! What happened? Why am I over there and why do I feel all funny. Why am I wearing mommy type shoes and why are my clothes so tight?"

"God damn it Charlie! What did you do to manage to steal that poor woman's body?"

"Umm, sorry dear. I think that would be my fault," said Belinda from the tiny body of 4 year old Charlie. "You see, I found this interesting old statue that is suppose to let you transfer your mind and consciousness into another persons body. My boyfriend and I are thinking about having a baby and I thought, why not 'borrow' the body of one of the om's that comes to this park to see what motherhood was like. To help calm her down, I was going to let my big, burly boyfriend keep her occupied with some mind blowing sex for a few days while I explored motherhood. Unfortunately, your little scamp came running up and bumped into me. His timing couldn't be worse, as I was just about to spring my plan on that hot redheaded mom over there. Now I'm stuck in this icky body and I have to wait for the stupid statue to recharge before I can change back. My head hurts and the old man that told me about the statue didn't say it would give me an ouchie."

"Ouchie? Icky? Are you alright miss? You seemed to slip a bit with your speech there," said Krissy. "It was a bit shocking to here such fully formed words, sentences and so much confidence coming out of Charlie. I've been babysitting him for months and never heard him speak so clearly."

"Hey!", said Charlie in Belinda's body. "I think that your assessment is uncalled for young lady!"

Both Krissy and Belinda turned, shocked to see Charlie still sitting Belinda's body on the top of the park bench, but speaking very clearly and maturely. "Oops!", he said, raising his fingers to his mouth in an almost seductive manner. "This is not an appropriate way to sit," Charlie said just before closing his legs, plopping down properly in the bench, pulling is skirt down and crossing his legs, all in one fluid motion with a devilish smile on his face. "I appear to be gaining a lot of memories that are obviously, Belinda is it? Yes! Belinda's memories, which I assume means she will likely already have most of mine and will likely act from me from now on."

As Charlie said that, Belinda began to cry in Charlies body, "I don't want to be a wittle kid and especially not a dumb boy."

Krissy, being a 15 year old girl, was beside herself and not sure what to do. Charlie noticed this and with his new cognitive abilities, quickly hatched a devilish plan. "Krissy dear! Let me speak to 'little Charlie' quickly and I think I can make this all better." He quickly dragged his old body over to the side and out of Belinda's earshot. "OK, listen. I know you don;t want to be in my body and I can just imagine how you'd be objecting if you still had the capacity, but I have an idea that might allow you a little fun. It's going to take a few days for the statue to recharge, so you'll be stuck in my body til then. Unfortunately, I've been inundated with your memories, including what you and your boyfriend had planned for the mom that was suppose to be inhabiting this body, and knowing, from your memories, what hat meant, I'm more than looking forward to it. So here's my plan; spend the next few days as Charlie and enjoy a few days of no responsibility and fun. Then, when the statue is recharged, touch it to Krissy. I know that you'd love a little break away as a teenage girl, and she does have a cute boyfriend. I don't think they've done anything yet, but maybe you could help, 'educate' him about women. hen once you've had some fun as Krissy, and the statue is recharged again, come see me n the park and I'll give you your body back. You can go on your way and I'll enjoy being Krissy.

Belinda's wicked smile looked almost amusing on Charlie's young face, but while Charlie distracted Krissy with fake plans about meeting up in a week to swap back, Belinda, or rather the new and temporary Charlie, hid the statue at the bottom of the toy bag Krissy had brought.

"Yep! That sounds like a plan. As long as she acts like you normally do, we should be able to hide this from his parents and I won't lose the best babysitting job in town." said Krissy. "OK kiddo. Let's go. Say goodbye to the nice lady and we'll see her on Friday.

Belinda and Charlie just smiled at each other, knowing that their plan would soon come to fruition, and poor Krissy would be helpless to stop them.


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