Past Your Bedtime

"OK Timmy. Get out of the bath and dry yourself off. Lara is here to look after you while your father and I have date night."

"Yay! She's my favourite! I'm so glad she's here!" Maybe now I can get my body back. I should have never trusted that little twerp when he asked me to put that ring on. I didn't think anything like that could happen and just thought I was amusing him. I should have known by the devilish look on his face that something was up. 

"Timmy! Your father and I have to go! You've been dragging your feet with everything all week, so now Lara with have to help get you out of the tub and into your jammies. Sorry to do this to you Lara, but we really have to go. Thanks for being so reliable, as always."

"No problem Mrs. Bennings. Anything to help. I love my Friday night babysitting and little Timmy is my favourite. I feel a real connection to him," the apparent Lara said to who was actually her own mother. "I've got this."

"Thank you Lara. We shouldn't be too late. I'll make sure Mr. Bennings gives you something extra for this. Bye Timmy. Be good for Lara.", and with that, Timmy's mother and father ran out the door.

"Hey TIMMY. How are you little guy? Better get out of that tub, and speaking of little guy, I can see your little wiener. Wow! It looks so different and small from this perspective," Lara laughed as she watched her old body look uncomfortable and cover himself up."

"Shut up, stupid head! Argh! I hate how my voc-vo-vocub, my words have gotten so, so little person."

*giggle* 'I'm sure you've noticed that my VOCABULARY has gotten quite extensive. Helps when you're one of the smartest kids in school, and during the last week, has become one of the hottest as well."

"Holy cow! I just noticed what you're wearing? What have you done. What have you put on my body? I look so, so..."

"Sexy? Gorgeous? Hot?? Well from what the guys at school are saying it's all the above. Especially that guy in your biology class. Oops! MY biology class, Morgan? He's taken quite a n interest in me this week. He's even agreed to be my biology partner, and I think we might have some hands on studying. He's coning here after you go to bed."

"No, no, no, no, NO! You give me back my body now. Now, now, now, now, NOW!! I should be the one studying with Morgan and I want to get back into my regular clothes. Where's the rings. We need to switch back now. I can't do another week of grade school."

"Sorry little man. Not going to happen. I got rid of the rings. Well I gave them to your friend Oscar at your school. He's going to swap with his big sister. She's one of the most popular girls in school. We've been hanging out a bit at school since my 'change', but she is a bit of a stuck up bitch. Oscar will make a way better Stacey than she does. Now, let's get you dried off and into bed. It's getting past your bedtime."


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