This isn't going to cost me too much more, is it?

"Everything feels so...soft. These clothes, they're so tight yet they feel so comfortable at the same time. So how do I look? Do I have your look down pat? Do I just ooze sex like you, usually, do?"

"Oh yeah. You're looking pretty good, now do you want to get on with this? You've paid extra for this little 'adventure', so come over here and let me show you what else can ooze out of that body. After all, I know exactly where to touch that body to make you feel oh so good baby."

"Mmmmmmm! You're making your body feel all tingly just thinking about it. Now, we can switch back easily when we're done, right? I can't get my wife know about this. She'd never understand. I do kinda wish I could have experienced being in her body though. Although I do this occasional trip to a 'lady of the night', my wife is very beautiful and VERY sexy. I just wish she wanted sex a bit more."

"Well, you now, I might be able to help you with that? I know you'll love this experience. When I shove this nice hard dick of yours into my warm, inviting pussy, I know just what to do to make that body sing. however, for me, it's gotten kind of old. A couple of hours in a strong, male body then back to a spent, tired, albeit very satisfied, body and on to the next customer. It's become almost too routine. Why don't you let me be you for a few days? I can impersonate you, get close to your wife, and see if I can do a few things to her body that will make her want to ravish you every night. Being a woman myself, I might know a few tricks to increase that libido more than a little bit. If that doesn't work, maybe afterwards I can just switch with her and  give you everything you want in the bedroom?"

"Well, it's not a bad idea. The thought of living your life for a couple days is a bit exciting. You would have to tell, no SHOW me on this body what you do to get her all worked up so that it keeps up after we swap back. The other option isn't really viable. I do love my wife and wouldn't want her stuck in the body of a common whore. Even one as gorgeous as yourself. Let's get on with our original deal and afterwards we can work out the details. This isn't going to cost me too much more, is it? It was your idea after all."

"I'm sure we can work out a mutually beneficial deal that won't cost you too much. Financially."

Joseph was too caught up in the possibilities and everything HE could gain from this to see the little smirk on his old face, or here the 'but' in his old voice. Brittany wasn't lying when she said her work was becoming boring and repetitive. She originally thought a few days in this man's body, pounding away on his wife and making her cum harder than she ever had would be a nice break. Then he had to go and refer to her as not only a whore, but a common whore. She was anything but common, but maybe it was time for a permanent change. Yep, that was it. She'd spend the next week having a little fun with the so called beautiful wife. After that, maybe she'd tell her new 'wife' who she really was and what was going on and let her decide what they should do. Or, she could just disappear with this new body? Well, she could decide that laer. It was time to use her new appendage a little rougher than her old body was use to. Her options were now very open.


  1. What an idoit calling her a common whore. Stupid beyond belief. the minute he said that he was doomed. great story

  2. Can you make another part of this I want to find out what will happen to both of them


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