We gotta go
"You can't wear those shoes to school. What are you thinking? How did you find them? And do that top up!"
"Oh, hey 'little bro'. What do you mean? They're MY shoes. If I want to wear them I can. And why were they hidden in the back of the closet? Along with some other neat things. I wasn't sure about that underwear that was there, what are they called? Thongs? But now that I have a pair on, they feel really comfy and make me feel all funny." *giggle*
"OH MY GOD! You little brat! Stop snoopin' around at my stuff. If mom and dad find out I have those things they'll kill me! Now go put a proper pair of underwear on and my regular school shoes. If we have to be stuck like this til we figure out what happened, we have to try and act like each other."
"We got stuck like this cause you made a stupid wish. You were mad about me playing with my Playstation. You said, 'I wish I could do nothing but sit around all day and play video games', and next thing I knew, I was in your yucky body. Now, I'm not saying anything about what you're wearing, so shut your stupid mouth about what I'm wearing. I'm the teenager now and you're the little brother so you can't say nothin to me."
"Oh god! Please be careful and try to speak a little better. You have to at least TRY to sound like me.I give up. Let's just go. We have to catch the bus. What on earth possessed you to put those shoes and that thong on anyway?"
"Your gross friend Tony from school sent me a picture of his wiener last night. When I told him it was gross he asked me to send a pic back. I thought who cares. It's your stupid boobs so I sent him one. Then he started texting all this gross stuff to me saying he wanted to suck on your boobies and stick his thingy in your mouth. It was really yucky, but it also made me feel weird down by where my wiener use to be. I told him about your slutty undies and he asked me to wear them today and show him when I get to school so that's what I'm going to do."
"You're going to do WHAT? You sent pics of my tits to Tony? He'll forward them to everyone in school by second period if he hasn't already. You change,and you change NOW mister!"
"Sorry little bro. No time. We gotta go!"
"Oh, hey 'little bro'. What do you mean? They're MY shoes. If I want to wear them I can. And why were they hidden in the back of the closet? Along with some other neat things. I wasn't sure about that underwear that was there, what are they called? Thongs? But now that I have a pair on, they feel really comfy and make me feel all funny." *giggle*
"OH MY GOD! You little brat! Stop snoopin' around at my stuff. If mom and dad find out I have those things they'll kill me! Now go put a proper pair of underwear on and my regular school shoes. If we have to be stuck like this til we figure out what happened, we have to try and act like each other."
"We got stuck like this cause you made a stupid wish. You were mad about me playing with my Playstation. You said, 'I wish I could do nothing but sit around all day and play video games', and next thing I knew, I was in your yucky body. Now, I'm not saying anything about what you're wearing, so shut your stupid mouth about what I'm wearing. I'm the teenager now and you're the little brother so you can't say nothin to me."
"Oh god! Please be careful and try to speak a little better. You have to at least TRY to sound like me.I give up. Let's just go. We have to catch the bus. What on earth possessed you to put those shoes and that thong on anyway?"
"Your gross friend Tony from school sent me a picture of his wiener last night. When I told him it was gross he asked me to send a pic back. I thought who cares. It's your stupid boobs so I sent him one. Then he started texting all this gross stuff to me saying he wanted to suck on your boobies and stick his thingy in your mouth. It was really yucky, but it also made me feel weird down by where my wiener use to be. I told him about your slutty undies and he asked me to wear them today and show him when I get to school so that's what I'm going to do."
"You're going to do WHAT? You sent pics of my tits to Tony? He'll forward them to everyone in school by second period if he hasn't already. You change,and you change NOW mister!"
"Sorry little bro. No time. We gotta go!"
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