Blown Away (Part 2)


Caroline was pissed. She wasn't sure how she had ended up in this flash hotel room, and she sure as hell didn't know how she ended up in her mother's body, but she knew her mother had something to do with it? Could she have known that Caroline was about to have sex with her boyfriend James? Lots and lots and lots of sex. Her mother had spoke to her for years about 'being responsible' and 'waiting for the right time'. Well she'd done just that. She had been dating James for almost 4 months now. All of her friends had put out within the first month, but Caroline had waited. James had never pressured her and even when things got hot and heavy, and she had stopped it, he had respected her wishes and not tried to push further. She figured that he deserved a reward for that so had found a sexy little outfit and they had texted each other lots of dirty suggestions on what to try. She had planned to try as many as they could, for as long as she could keep him hard. He was in fantastic shape, and she hoped that being 17, he could recover quickly. With her mom being away for a few days, she figured they had heaps of tie to try as much as they wanted. Now, here she was. Half way across the country, in her mothers body, in a strange hotel room.

She had tried to call her own cell phone, but at first it just rang and rang. Then it started to simply go directly to voicemail. She tried to call James, but then realised she didn't know his number. It was saved in her phone after all. She was desperately trying to figure something else out. She wondered if she could try Facebook? James used Snapchat and other social media more, but he did have a Facebook account. Maybe she could warn him what her mother did.

As she picked up her mothers phone, wondering what her password was, it rang in her hands. It was Seth. One of her mother's co-workers. She knew her mother had a crush on him, but didn't want to be involved in some clandestine office romance that might jeopardise their jobs. She felt a little tingle in her mothers body, just by looking at his name and picture on the phones screen. She absentmindedly answered it.

"Hello?" she said, a bit startled to hear her mothers voice escape her lips.

"Umm, high Suze. It's Seth. I, umm, was wondering if you maybe wanted to go down to the bar and grab a drink? That is, if you want to? I, umm, just thought, well, yeah! So, what do you say?"

"Umm, I don't know if that's a good idea Seth?", Caroline said. Then she thought about it. If her mom was going to mess with her love life, maybe she should have some fun with her moms.

"Oh, ok. I understand Suze. Sorry to bother you.", Seth said, and was about to hang up when Caroline cut him off.

"WAIT! Seth! It's not that I don't want to have a drink, I just thought that the bar was maybe a bit, tacky and likely crowded. How about we have drinks in your room? We can order something up? What do you say? I'm sure we have lots to talk about?" Caroline stressed the word talk as she tried to use her mom's voice to sound as seductive as possible.

"Really?" Seth asked. "Umm, yeah! That would be great. I'll see you soon. I know I'm right next door, but give me a minute to make sure the place is presentable."

"Oh, don't worry about that. When we're done, it likely won't lok very presentable at all. See you soon sexy.", and with that Caroline hung up. She couldn't see Seth's chin drop, but she imagined he was a bit shocked.

Caroline was about to get changed, but realised her mother was already dressed quite nicely. That's when she noticed the note on the bed. Hi sweety. Sorry to do this. James is lovely but I think you should wait a little longer. will talk when I get home, and please don;t be mad. I've dressed myself in something nice for you to go to dinner. Order what you want, and you can even have a few drinks. Just please avoid Seth. He's next door in 1407. I love you sweety and trust me! This is for the best.

"Well, it looks like I'll be getting a little action tonight anyway. Hope Seth can guide me, but I have a feeling mom's body os a good place to do some practice. Then when I get home, I can show James everything I learned and officially lose my virginity in the right way.

Caroline put her arm up, admiring the outfit her mom had picked out. She smirked and quickly removed her panties before strutting out the door to visit Seth. Who knows? Maybe she'd be seeing a lot more of him after this?


  1. LOL & sexy, looks like oth mother & daughter are being swept away! Great pic! I like it that they are being so influenced by their current bodies. I wonder if they get so carrid away that they either don't want to go ack or can't?


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