Down to Business

James couldn't believe it. He'd hit the clubs with Abbie's friends. Laughed, drank and talked about boys. The more they talked, the more James started feeling strange in his groin. He felt all warm and a bit wet. He was never lacking for men to dance with no matter what club they went to and not only could he confidently walk in the mysterious heels, but he was dancing and moving as if he'd had his sisters body his, or even her, entire life.

Although he remembered being James, his mind slowly became flooded with Abbie's thoughts. At first he thought it was the alcohol. All of the stuff called vodka that he kept drinking made him feel all light headed and giggly. He assumed all the thoughts he didn't understand at first, were just a side effect of the drinks. It was about half way through the night, when James started thinking about the large bulge in the pants of the guy he was dancing with, and superstitiously rubbed his sisters hand along it, feigning shock, but at the same time delight, that he realised he was gaining Abbies thoughts, memories and mannerisms.

All through the night James danced, drank and flirted with as many of the men as he could. The more he succumbed to Abbies thoughts and feelings, the more he enjoyed it. It was while he was sitting in the toilet, peeing that he realised that he wanted to find a way to stay like this for as long as he could. He was desperately trying to think of a way to extend this swap or even better, make it permanent when one of the men he had been dancing with, grabbed him, spun him around and kissed him deeply and passionately. James melted into his arms and returned the kiss with a fervour he didn't know existed. As he did, the man slid his hand up James's leg and began caressing his warming and dampening womanhood. 

Wait! Thought James. Wasn't I wearing Abbies favourite short shorts. That's when he pulled away, looked down and noticed he was now wearing a vibrant blue dress. Somehow during the evening, Abbie's clothes had transformed on James' stolen body. James didn't understand why, and right now, with this strange man's hand working it's way along his new sex, he didn't care.

It was a few hours later that James found himself lounging on the couch in this strange man's apartment. When they had arrived, James didn't know how he knew what to do, but he immediately pushed the man up against the wall, slid his sisters tongue into the man's mouth, and began undoing the man's belt and pants. Before he knew it, he found himself on his knees, taking every inch of the monster he hd just unleashed, into his mouth. He also knew that this was called a blowjob, and he knew that he was doing a damn good job at it. His first ever taste of precum flooded his mind with many of the times his sister had done this before which just made him want more.

Now, hours later, he was was resting, after hours of marathon sex. He shoes that had started him on this journey had changed like the rest of his outfit. Still wrapped around his legs, but a little less ostentatious than they had originally been, but secured in a way that wouldn't allow him to remove them. Not that he took the time away from riding and sucking the cock he had worked all night. This rest allowed him to think of many things. Not the least of what he'd say to his sister when he got home. He knew that by not going home tonight his sister would know what he was doing with her stolen body, but really? What could she do? He laughed as he thought of that. Still, maybe he should head home so that she thought he had mostly behaved.

That's when her strange mystery man walked back on the room. Hard as a rock, refreshed, and ready for the next round. James smiled and thought screw it! I think of something tomorrow. "Let's get down to business baby!"


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