The Icing on the Cake

"Please Mrs. Adams. Don't make us do this. We promise that we'll be better students. We won't talk back to you, or talk out in class. Just give us back our bodies. Katie and Mandy will ruin any chance we have to get into a good College football program." Steve begged on his knees to his English teacher. "Yeah. I'll even put in an effort to bring my marks up. Anything you want me to do. Just get me out of this body. I feel so, so exposed." his friend and teammate Simon said.

"Oh, believe me gentlemen, or is that ladies, when this little assignment is over, you'll have a better appreciation for the rules as well as the girls. They've told me how you disrespect them. From slapping their asses in school, to treating them like little sex toys outside of school, and even making them alter and 'sexy up' their school uniforms. The exact uniforms you are now wearing. That nice boy Jason told me all about the awful things you do to these poor lovely girls every day, so getting you involved in the schools Swap Class seemed appropriate as a learning tool"

"Jason?" questioned Simon. "That little dork? What does he have to do with this? Just wait til i get my body back. I'm going to kick his scrawny little ass so hard his mother will will feel it."

"Now, now KATIE! None of that talk or you'll be spending a lot more time getting used to that body. I may have enlisted young Jason for a little, help on this project. Leave him be. He's such a nice young man.Best you don;t mention this to him when you see him. Understand me?"

"Yes Mrs. Adams." Steve said, making Mandy's voice sound extra pouty. "So, why did we have to start so late, and why didn't Mr Gillespie switch us. Actual Swap Class started over 2 weeks ago. At least that means we don't have to spend as much time as the rest of those dweebs in a girls body." Steve exclaimed as he gave Simon a quick high five and both boys laughed for the first time since the swap. "Oh no boys!" their teacher said. "Your independent learning is not with the actual class but a little project on the side. There is no predetermined time limit on this. Consider it a little, extra curricular learning." she giggled. "Now, I suggest you get up off of your knees before your 'boyfriends' get back and get the wrong idea." she winked.

Both Simon and Steve got up off their knees and brushed out their kilts. Both felt very self conscious and tried to pull them down to better cover their asses, but to little success. "So what now?", said Simon.

"Now, the two of you get on with your day and Katie and Mandy's lives. You'll play those roles as if your bodies depend on it, because sweetys, they do! The real Katie and Simon will report back to me on a regular basis to let me know how you're doing. The better you're acting, and behaving, the better chance you'll be the young, buff boys you were sooner. Remember though, this is a package deal. If one screws up, you both stay in there longer. Now remember! The new Steve and Simon will ensure they tell me everything, so you better sure you 'perform' properly as Katie and Mandy in every way. If you know what I mean?", she winked at the boys again. "Now, get out of here and go do whatever it is little teenage slut girls do at school. I'll call you when I wish to speak to you about your progress. Goodbye for now, girls!"

As Steve and Simon walked out of the classroom, a little too perfectly in their high heels, Jason could only smile at their apparent misery. It had been a stroke of luck that Mrs Adams had caught him snooping around the swapping equipment, and a plain jackpot that her calling out to him had made him jump and switch the machine on. He wasted no time dragging her out of the room in his scrawny teen body and down to the principals office to say he had caught 'Jason' snooping in one of the classrooms. The look he gave his old body told her that he was willing to play this out as far as she did, so Mrs Adams sheepishly looked down at the floor and apologised, accepting Jason's punishment. She had surprisingly avoided Jason for the last few days and allowed him the opportunity to hatch his plan to punish two of his biggest bullies in school. The fact that their under appreciated girlfriends were willing to assist him was just the icing on the cake.

As he stood there, far too comfortable in his tight skirt and heels, his thoughts drifted to after school. He found out on the first night the extra bonus of being a mature married woman, and was anxious to get home to see Mr Adams as soon as he could.


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