We Have Plans for You

Brad had been dating Jessica for about 8 months now. Everything had been going great and their sex life was phenomenal. Jessica did wonder though, when Brad would suddenly smile for no reason mid coitus, what he was thinking about and she suspected it was her BFF Samantha. Sam and Jess were virtually inseparable and looked like they were sisters, if not twins. If Sam would simply dye her blonde hair red like Jess, everyone would swear they were.

Now, Jessica's suspicions about her boyfriend were not unfounded. He was constantly flirting with Sam and suggesting that the they have a threesome, just for fun. Once he found out that on a few drunken occasions, Jess and Sam had messed around a little, he became almost insistent. Once he began mentioning it during sex, it became too much. That's when Jess came up with her own little plan

Jessica's mother had told her for years that the women in her family dabbled in witchcraft, but Jess never really believed her. She decided to call her mother and get some more information. Her mother simply laughed and said that if Jess wanted to perform magic, she could. It was all inside her she just needed to believe. The next day, a package arrived from her mother, and inside was an old, leather bound book. A not was attached from her mother that said, Just relax and know you can and the words will all make sense. Have fun and enjoy

Jess called Sam over and they began looking through the book. "Oh my GOD this is so freaky! Can you believe what it says Sam?" Sam just looked at her confused and answered, "Ummm, Jess? How are you able to read that? I don't even know what language it is." That's when Jess realised  that her mother might be right.

"You really can't read it?" Jess asked Sam. "No!" she said. "Can you?"

"Sure can." Jess responded. "So, are you up for a little fun? You know how you always wondered what it was like to be a man? How you wanted to be able to show some man how it felt to be the 'weaker' one, physically, in the bedroom? What if I could make that happen?"

"Jess, you're starting to freak me out! What are you talking about?"

"Just trust me. Take off al of your clothes. You always wanted to know why I liked Brad's cock so much. You're about to find out. First hand, so to speak." giggle

"As cute as he is, I am NOT about to have sex with Brad when he gets here." Sam said as she slowly removed her summer dress, bra and undies and flipped her shoes over into the corner. "Plus, when he walks in here and sees me naked, he's going to think that either we've agreed to his little threesome fantasy, or that we've been making out. Either way, he'll try to take full advantage."

"Oh that won't be the first thing he thinks. Believe me Sam.", Jess said as she started to chant the words on the page in front of her. As she finished chanting the small passage, she immediately noticed changes. Sam's skin became a little darker and she seemed to be much taller. Her well shaven legs seemed to have a soft layer of hair below the knees and most noticeably, her breasts were quickly disappearing. At the same time, her hair began to become a soft brown colour and shrink back into her head. It was at that moment that Sam doubled over, apparently in pain.

Jess quickly ran over, wondering if she'd done something wrong and hurt her friend. She was shocked, and more than a little surprised when she got there and Sam looked up at her. Instead of the soft face and seductive brown eyes of her friend, were the chiseled features and striking blue eyes of her boyfriend brad. In 'his' hands was the cock she loved so much. "What the hell did you do to me Jess? Turn me back. NOW!" She heard Brad's voice say.

"Holy SHIT! Sam? Is that you?"

'Well it was until you mumbled those damn words. Why would you do this to me?", Sam began to cry. It was strange to see her boyfriend act like this and a bit disconcerting, but Jess thought, in for a penny. In for a pound. "Sam! Relax! Of course I can change you back, but why don't we have a little fun first. Let's let Brad have his threesome now, but you and I will be in charge. What do you say?"

"Huh? What?" Sam said,too busy staring at Jessica's perfect breasts. She noticed her new male member getting hard just thinking about them. "Ewww! You want Brad to have sex with himself? Like guy on guy? He'll never agree to that. But maybe he'd like to watch himself have sex with you? I'd be up for that. What do you say?"

Jessica began laughing, "You've only been a guy for like 2 minutes and already you're thinking with your dick, or rather with Brad's dick. I'm all up for screwing your brains out in that body, but wouldn't you rather fuck both me AND your old body?" Sam screwed up Brad's face at that, "My old body? Yuck! That's kinda...well, actually..." as Sam trailed off, Jess saw Sam's new Brad dick get bigger and harder. "You DO want to.", Jess said. "Well I'm telling you to go fuck yourself and her's your chance. I just heard Brad pull up. You stand there and when he comes in, I'll fix everything. Let me grab the book."

"Hey babe! I'm here! Where are you?", Brad said as he came into Jessica's place. "In the bedroom sweety. Come on in. Someone else is here too. Hope you don't mind. Sam and I decided to grant you your wish." Jess said as she giggled. Sam looked at her with a smirk on Brad's face that made Jess melt a bit.

"Oh yeah baby! I never you guys would give in eventua...WHAT THE FUCK???" Brad stopped suddenly after racing down the hall to get what e thought was his reward. As he stopped, Jess began chanting. "Who the FUCK are you?", he said, looking Sam up and down in his own body, then noticing his own dick, rock hard and at attention. He had removed all of his clothes on his quick trip down the hall, ad although he was almost as hard as the doppelganger in front of him, but he wouldn't be for long. As he was standing there in shock, the girls noticed his skin turn pale like Sam's. HE had shrunk down from his usual height, over 6 foot tall. His legs were thinner and smooth, and his toned and muscular chest was quickly disappearing, only tobe replaced by Sam's beautful, soft breasts. Long, blonde hair was draped down his back, and two perfectly manicured hands grabbed the door-frame when he felt a sharp pain in his crotch. Both Jess and Sam were shocked to watch his now flaccid penis, quickly suck up into his body, the little bit of pubic hair he had disappear, and a perfectly shaved pussy replace it.

Brad fell on to his knees, "Oh my god!" What did you two do to me? Sam? Is that you in my body?" Brad asked on Sam's melodic voice. "It sure is, SAM and I suggest you call me Brad for now. That is, if you ever want this body back?" Sam said and then laughed and sat down at the end of the bed. 'Now get over her Samantha. Your BFF Jess and I have plans for you. 

Jess was a little shocked at how much Sam was getting into this, but she had to admit to herself that she liked it. She watched her boyfriend, now in her best friends body, crawl over to his old body, occupied by her best friend, and it got her more than a little worked up. She slowly removed her clothes, including her damp undies as she watched Sam take her old hand and make Brad wrap it around his former cock. That's when Jess slipped in behind Brad, pushed him as close as he could get to his old body, gently grabbed his new breasts (sending an unexpected but pleasant shock though Brad's new Samantha body), and wrapped them around his former cock. Sam closed her eyes, and tilted her head back, "Oh yeah girls. That's what I like."

Jess slowly guided her boyfriends new lips down his old cock. Rather than be repulsed, he began to get into it and before long, the two of them were almost fighting over who got to suck Sam off more. Kissing each other and transferring Sam's precum between their lips as they worked the shaft and balls. Before they all know it, there bodies were writhing together in the bed. Sam found new heights of pleasure as she rammed her new cock into both her own pussy and her best friends. It was finally Jess that she exploded in, the three of them spent from the physical energy they had expended.

Brad quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. He had emerged a few moments later, to see his old body still sucking on his girlfriends erect nipples and was surprised how much it turned him on. "Why don't you two clean up in the shower and then we can discuss what just happened, hmmm?", he said, as Sam laughed in his deeper voice and Jess looked all embarrassed. "You mean have a shower? Together?", Jess looked at him quizzically. "Why not?", Brad gave a melodic giggle. "Do we really have many more boundaries?"

Jess and Sam raced off to the bathroom and Brad soon heard the shower going. Quickly he found Sam's clothes. He enjoyed the feel of pulling her undies up his new soft legs, and the way his bra held his breasts close together and pushed them almost out of the top of his new dress. He found Sam's disgarded shoes int he corner, slipped them on, grabbed her purse and raced out the door. As he got into Sam's car, he pulled out her phone, flipped through her contacts and sent a quick text off to Sam's boyfriend, On my way baby and I'm so horny. BE naked when I get there. lips emoji, heart emoji xx 

It hadn't taken Brad long to realise how fantastic having an orgasm was as a woman. He didn't mind being penetrated by his own body. He just didn't want to share with his girlfriend. He remembered Sam's new boyfriend and the dirty thoughts that went through his head made his mind up quick.

When Jess and Sam got out of the shower, they wondered where Brad was. "Maybe he's downstairs getting something to eat?" Jess said. "Yeah, maybe?", said Sam. "Ummm, Jess? Where are my clothes and purse?"


  1. It's a very funny story n////n

    I loved it


  2. I'm glad. It does have some humour to it, doesn't it?

  3. LOCE the twist & Brad stealiong Sam's body I wonder if he get s to keep it forevevr?


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