You Might Find Some of it Enjoyable

"It's no use! I just can't do it! No matter how much I try, I almost break my damn ankle every freakin time!"

"Ummm, you mean MY ankle dear. Now let's go! Try again. I have faith in you and I lknow you can do this. You're thinking about it too hard. If you can walk gracefully up and down the stairs, you can walk anywhere. I chose those shoes because they're my most comfortable so shouldn't pinch your toes. Too much."

"I don;t want to do it mom. Why do I have to? This isn't fair! I think you know exactly what's happened and just don't want to do anything about it. You just want a break away from whatever is going on in your life, don't you?"

"Now why on earth would you think that Allan? I have no desire to be a 15 year old again. Let alone a boy. Let ALONE my own son. That's just wrong on so many levels. Now, until we can figure out what has caused this, I need you to act like me and be able to pass as me. Not only in appearance, but in your mannerisms, speech and interactions with other adults. There's so much for you to learn, and we only have today to train you on everything, so let's go! Up, up, up! Put those beautiful pumps back on and lets try this again. Stop concentrating so hard and just go with it. You almost had it that last time. You'll get it this time."

"OK. Sorry mom. I mean SON! That sounds kinda fun. Hey, does this mean that I'm the one in charge now? Oh yes! We are so having pizza for dinner tonight. Alright. I've got this. I can do this, I mean if girls can do it, I can, right? I have to admit. The clothes feel so good against my skin. Especially these nylons."

Maybe this wasn't the best idea?, thought Jennifer. He's right. I did need a break and the life of a teenager fr a few weeks sounds pretty good. Once he gets the basics down he should be fine, and when my boyfriend gets back this weekend, well he may not want to go back to being a boy. Of course, with that lovely girl Callista flirting with him at the time, wanting to walk with him to and from school, there are some opportunities there as well. He's completely oblivious that she likes him. Maybe I can help him along there? Start the relationship off for him at least. Oh, I'm getting ahed of myself, and maybe being affected by my own sons hormones. Now where were we?

"Hey! I think I've got it. So do you think we will turn back before Jeff get's back from his business trip? I don't want to pretend to be you for any of that gross stuff, like kissing him, or worse."

"Oh, I'm sure we'll have this figured out by then, and if not, we'll think of something, although you might enjoy the fancy dinner Jeff was planning to take me to on Saturday, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, now, you're doing much better. Excellent! See! When your mind isn't thinking about it too much, you do just fine. In fact, you look exactly like me. Now just remember for tht for everything else. Just relax, and go with the moment. You might find some of it enjoyable?


  1. Replies
    1. pretty sneaky mom. Nice touch she's starting to get interested in a girl that likes her son. Funnhy & well written


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