Keep Him Happy (Part 2)

"What in the hell are you wearing? Not exactly the style that people are use to seeing on my body Tim."

"It's Lara, remember?" Tim said, and although he tried to give one of his traditional smirks, it just made him look even more seductive in Lara's body. "So how was your honeymoon? Did you and Anne have a good time? Oh, never mind. I'll catch up with her and find out all the naughty details." *giggle*

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! It's just the two of us. You don't have to stay in character, but for the record, it's was fantastic! I can understand why Anne wanted to date and then marry you. If I was even half as good at using this magic bullet between your legs as you are, she would have been sold after the first night. And stamina? Holy cow. You just keep going and going and going. As great a lover as he is, I wish Henry had that kind of stamina."

"Oh, you might be surprised. With the right woman, Henry has more than enough stamina. HE can be a real machine if he's...motivated enough.", Tim winked.

*chuckle* "So I was right? You DID enjoy your time in my body, and in my marital bed? Is that why you guys have seemed like you've been avoiding us? You wanted to get a little more time in? Christ Tim, we've been back for almost two weeks. hat means you've spent almost a month as me. Even dealing with my period. Sorry about that. If you really enjoyed it that much, then perhaps we can make this a regular thing? I loved fucking your wife, but she is your wife and I do miss being on the receiving end of a good boning. I think Henry might even be surprised by the action he gets tonight. So let's do this! I promised Anne that we'd continue some of the fun we had on our honeymoon tonight. You're going to love this thing she does with her tongue...but then again, I have a feeling you're familiar with it already, aren't you?"

"Oh, I'm very familiar with it, and I can tell you that Henry loves it just as much."

"What?? Oh god Tim, you didn't? After being you, I can see the appeal of a blowjob. They feel fucking fantastic! Still, the thought of that sticky shit in my mouth disgusts me, which is why Henry doesn't get them. Tell me you didn't, because if you did, he's going to be disappointed when he stops getting them. Jesus Tim! I though this was the one thing I could trust you on? I nver thought you'd let a guy stick a dick in my mouth. Fuck!"

"OK, well first of all, let's get a few things clear. That warm explosion in your mouth is not bad at all, and the only thing better than getting your dick sucked, is being the one sucking a dick..."

"Bahahahahaha! Are you going all gay on us now Tim? You going to start sucking guys off behind Anne's back? Maybe you should keep it up with Henry and let me off the hook you've put me on?"

"Oh, I plan to keep it up with Henry. It IS his favourite way to wake up after all, which brings me to my second point. Stop calling me by your name. My name is Lara. My husband has noticed a big change in me lately and he LOVES it, and I love him. It's wonderful being a woman that is looked after and cared for. Dressing sexy for him. We saw this skirt in the store the other day and you could tell he was disappointed as he didn't think I'd buy it, let alone wear it. What he forgot is that Lara is not the cold, unadventurous cow she use to be. The new Lara will do just about anything to keep her man happy. Plus, lok at my legs! They are unbelievably sexy, don't you think?", Tim said as he turned around, and looked back over his shoulder at his old body with it's mouth hanging open.

"Wait, what? That wasn't the deal? This is all about me. I've had my fun. I want my body back. NOW!", and with that Lara lunged at Tim and grabbed her old body. She repeated the spell she had said to make the original switch, just not under her breath this time. All the time, listening to her own melodic laugh as she did. When she was done, she let go and looked at her old body. With Tim still in it and the biggest grin on his face.

"How foolish do you think I am? You caught me unawares the first time, but I've had time to do my research. I found your spell and also everything I could about it.It seems that you can't make the switch with a pregnant woman. Oh, oops! Surprise! We were going to wait to tell you guys, but I guess the cat's out of the bag. Now, Henry will be home soon and we have lots of, 'celebrating' to do. We're going to be parents after all. Maybe you should get Anne pregnant too, so our kids can grow up together?"


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