Keep Him Happy

"Bonjour Monsieur! As-tu passé une bonne journée chérie?"

"Wow! Have you been talking to Tim? Where did you suddenly learn French?", Henry asked who he thought was his wife. "I like the little extra edition of the maids outfit. Do we have a fancy dress party to go to or something?", he asked.

"I just thought I'd spice things up a bit for you. I know I've been a little, well, bitchy lately and thought I should do something to make it up to you?" Tim said in Lara's body.

Tim had been listening to his best friend Henry complain about his wife for the last month or so. Apparently Lara had become distant. They had barely had a real conversation in weeks, and their sex life had all but disappeared. As supportive of his lifelong friend as he was, it was starting to bum Tim out a bit. He was just about to get married to the love his life, Anne, and all of this marriage trouble talk was making him feel a little nervous. He was also worried him that Lara and Anne had been spending a good deal of time together and Tim was worried that Lara would say something that would change Anne's mind about the wedding. 

Although she seemed quite negative at first, in the weeks leading up to the wedding, Lara had been the biggest cheerleader for Tim and Anne to get married, almost seeming more excited than the groom or bride themselves. Then on the wedding day, Tim found out why.

Late into the reception, just before the newlyweds were about to leave, Lara asked to speak to Tim privately before they left. Lara had been all smiles and clapping with joy throughout the ceremony, and it really helped put a smile ob Anne's face. Thinking that maybe she'd ask for some advice regarding her own marriage, Tim agreed to the private meeting. In a room, off from the front entrance, Lara congratulated Tim on his nuptials and commented on how beautiful and sexy Anne looked in her flowing dress. "It's a lucky man that get's to peel that lingerie off of Anne tonight.", she commented. Tim thought that was a strange thing to say but quickly agreed, "Yeah! I hear you helped her pick it out. Thanks for that. I plan to take full advantage of it."Tim said as he gave Lara a little wink.

That's when a devious smile crossed Lara's lips. "Well good luck with that." she said, as she leaned in and gave him a big hug. 

Tim was a little shocked at the show of affection as they had never been very close, and couldn't make out what Lara was saying under her breath. As he was about to ask her to repeat herself, the world began to spin, and when everything centred again, he found himself feeling rather diminutive and as if he was hugging someone much larger than himself. 

"Yes! It worked!" Tim heard a familiar voice say. He looked up into his own eyes and was speechless, as Lara in his body, extracted herself from the grasp of her former arms. "Sorry!" she said, "This is all for Anne tonight, and am I ever going to let her have all of this." Laura said as she grabbed her new, substantial package in her pants. "Knowing what is under that dress of hers is all I've been able to think about today. I can't wait to get her to our hotel. When I'm done, I'll have to carry her on to the plane for our honeymoon because she sure won't be able to walk", Lara said as she gave Tim one of of his trademark winks.

"You can't do this! WHY would you do this?" Tim asked.

"I've always had a bit of a thing for Anne since you first introduced us to her. Lately she's all I've been able to think about. I figure, why should you get to be with her when I should be able to? You've got a pretty good body. Sexy and attractive for a guy. Why not be you and have my way with her?", Lara said, smiling.

"You won't get away with this. You'll never pass as me. I'll tell her things only I would know and she'll see what you've done. You are not fucking my new wife on our wedding night you sick bitch!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa there with the bitch thing little lady." Lara said, laughing and making Tim even madder. "I can, and I will. As often as possible tonight. Now, unless you want this to go very bad for you, you'll shut up and do as your told. I don't plan to take your life, and your wife, this stage. However, I do want my time to be enjoyable and uninterrupted. If you make people think I'm crazy it will only go bad for you, because regardless of what you know, right now YOU are Lara. So here's the deal. Henry is feeling quite dejected lately, and rightly so. I can't be intimate with him when all I can think about it screwing Anne. Believe it or not, I don't like seeing him like this. I know you know we haven't been intimate in awhile, but I promised him to give me til Wednesday and I'll let him have our special Wednesday for the month. Keep him happy while I'm on my honeymoon..."

"You mean MY honeymoon?!", Tim spat.

"As I was saying, if you keep YOUR husband happy while I'm on MY honeymoon, we can switch back when I get back. Make him feel worse or even just the same, and I'll extend this out as long as it takes. Do you understand? It's best you agree and get it over with."

Tim felt defeated, and the alcohol in his new Lara body was making it hard to concentrate. "Fine! Since I can't really do anything about it, I guess I have no choice. Now what is this 'special Wednesday you talked about? I've got to have sex with him, don't I? That is going to be so gross!"

"Actually, Henry is a fabulous lover. I think you'll enjoy your time as his little fucktoy. You will have to be very demure and obedient. Now, as for Wednesday, you have a few days to get use to my body and ready for it. In the back of my closet is a little maids outfit. Dress up to please Henry. He'll expect quite a bit of oral to start, but I'm sure you've received enough to know what you're doing. After that, just do as your told. Remember. Save my marriage. Make Henry happy, and tell no one, and you should be able to get your body, and your wife back. Although the latter might be a little broken when I'm done. This is quite the monster in my pants. Now, I better get back to my wife before she gets suspicious.", and with that,Tim watched Lara walk away in his body, kiss his new wife passionately, smirk back in his direction, get in the limo and drive away.

Flash forward to Wednesday,and here was Tim. Dressed as he was suppose to be and ready to get this over with. He had spent the days since the wedding on Saturday getting use to this strange body. He wasn't sure what disturbed him more? How much he had enjoyed arousing himself as he explored, or how appealing and yummy his best friend was starting to look. Either way, it wasn't long before he was on his knees, his new plump lips sliding up and down his friends erect shaft. He didn't realise how much he was enjoying it until he heard his friend grunt, and his mouth was suddenly full of warm cum. The disappointment he felt startled him a bit, but didn't disgust him as he thought. 

Henry picked his wife up and carried her to the bedroom. "What are you doing?", Tim asked.

"I think we need to continue round two in the bedroom?" Henry said with a smile.

Tim didn't realise he was giving Lara's best smile when he asked, "Already?"

"Babe! You've kept me at arms reach for over a month. Do you know how much sexual frustration is all built up? This is going to be a long night. We both may have to call in sick for work tomorrow..."


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