Maybe it's Not Such a Bad Idea

"Carol. Your son is here to see you."

"Thank you Janine. Please, let 'him' in."

Janine didn't notice the inflection her boss put on the 'him' as she said it, and if she had she never would have guessed why. She heard her boss say, "Come in Jason. It's good to see you. How was school?" and then the door shut and she was unaware what transpired.

"Cut the crap Jason!" the apparent young boy said to what everyone would assume was his mother. "I've played along with this little char...chera...damn it! GAME you're playing. I was not impressed to find myself in your 12 year old body right before your gym class. I wasn't sure what happened so I played along. It was not fun. Now what did you do?"

"Well mom, and I'll give you the courtesy of calling you that, for now. First of all, I believe the word you're looking for is charade, but game will do for now. Are you finding it a bit hard to think of some of the words you're use to using?" Jason in his mother's body said with a smirk. "It's all [art of the second part of the spell I cast. Over the day, our memories and mannerisms have slowly been transferring between us, so that we can better pass for one another. Basic mannerisms came rather quickly. Thank god or I'm not sure I could have walked in these shoes. That quickly changed, and now not are they comfortable, but I remember that they are MY favourite. The memories flow a little slower, mainly to stop either of us from being completely overwhelmed, but I have enjoyed the little surprises that have popped into my head as they day moved along. I suspect that it may be more frustrating for you as it may appear that you are slowly forgetting things over today, but it's simply that I, or rather you, had much more in there than I did. For example, do you remember how precise you need to be when lining the seam on the stocking up so that it looks oh so perfect going up the back of these wonderful legs?" Jason let out one of his mother's melodic laughs as he finished.

He was amused to see the look on his own face. A mixture of anger and confusion. "What are you talking about?" his mother asked, making his voice a little more high pitched. "Just fix this and fix this now. I don't like having this thing dangling between my legs. I want my body and my life back. End this NOW Jason! Or else!"

Jason laughed as he answered, "Or else what, little boy? What do you think a 12 year old boy is going to do to his 38 year old mother? Oh, and before you say, tell your father, remember that I know so much about you now and even know how to distract MY husband and convince him I'm you. He'll just think you're being a brat. As for my penis? Well, I gess it's your penis now, I know you're lying. You've been thinking all day about how much you can't wait to get home and play with it, haven't you? Look! You can't help but touch it right now.", Jason laughed.

Carol realised that she had been trying to sneakily rub her new penis and quickly pulled her hand away. This made her even angrier as Jason was right. She had gotten a bit of an erection every tome one of Jason's pretty classmates spoke to him, and in Mrs. Matthew's history class, she was pretty much fully erect the whole class. She just hoped no one noticed. "THIS ISN'T FAIR! GIVE IT BACK, NOW!!", she said.

The new Carol just laughed. "The more you push back, and the louder you get, the longer you'll stay in that body. Behave, don't embarrass me, either in my capacity as your mother or for when or IF I take that body back, and we can talk. After I've had some fun."

For the first time in their conversation, the new Jason finally perked up. 'Really? Honest mom? I mean, damn it! Jason! When? Soon?"

"Ah, ah, ah! You better stop with the Jason shit, and get use to calling me mom. Looks like your mind is already trying to do just that, son!"

'Jason' sighed, slumped his shoulders in defeat and relied, "Yes mom. I'm sorry!"

"That's better." said 'Carol', and smiled down at her 'son'. "Now, run along home and I'll be there in a little while.", and with that se pushed her old body out the door.

With the departure of her old body, the new Carol looked out her office window and smiled. Even during their conversation, she could she her mother's memories fading away as she struggles to remember, and feeling them grow inside her own mind sent a wave of emotions through her new body. It was true. Jason had intended to swap with his mom for a day or two, have some fun, maybe embarrass her mom a bit, then swap back and use the threat of doing it again to get what he wanted. As the day went on, and his mind was flooded with her memories and feelings, that soon changed. She found she loved the attention she received from her male co-workers and staff, and just as she was arguing with her old body, she was quickly swamped with memories of her father, but as his wife and not as his son. It brought up some very interesting feelings and emotions and he found himself getting excited thinking about what they had planned for the night. Perhaps being the new Carol permanently wouldn't be such a bad idea? 


  1. clever well written story, funny the way he loves lording it over his mom, nicwe touch sh can't remember 'charade'. I think Jason now Carol maY BECOME VICTOM TO HIS/HER SUCCESS & not wan to go back to being a 12 year old boy. The in the long term at least the old Carol would be the victor - lot s of young years & the strength of a male body. very clever writing I think its inevitable that they now are not goig back.


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