Well That's Ruff

"Hey babe! Come on in. I've been looking forward to seeing you all day.", James said as he greeted his girlfriend Sophia and gave her a quick kiss. James' best friend Rufus, a beautiful pure bread Rottweiler also came over to greet her. "Looks like you've got two fella's happy to see you?" James chuckled. 

Sophia smiled, but as soon as James turned his back on her, she gave Rufus the filthiest look. Sophia had been dating James now for almost 8 months and she figured she'd hit the jackpot. From his chiseled good looks, squared chin, flowing light hair, 6 foot 3 statue and perfect muscular body, full with 6 pack. He did things to her body that she couldn't even dream of. On top of that, he was filthy rich. Granted, she still kept a couple of other pieces on the side, but she'd slowly get rid of them after James proposed and they got married. Eventually. Maybe. She gave a little smirk to that thought, knowing that James had already bought the ring and was likely to propose this weekend. After a night of fantastic sex, they'd head out for the romantic weekend he had planned and she couldn't wait for the proposal.

If only she could do something about that stupid dog. James loved the mutt, and was very proud of Rufus. He had made some extra money loaning him out to stud, which made it easier for these romantic trips away. Sophia knew that their first stop tomorrow would be some random house with a bitch in heat for Rufus to do his thing. Then they'd pick him up on the way back. If only she could convince James to leave the flea bag there.

"Make yourself at home babe. I'm just going to go and check on dinner. Play nice with Rufus." he said as he walked out of the room, to which Sophia cringed inside.

As soon as James left, Sophia set her purse down and undid her dress. The thought of what was happening this weekend, and the fact hat the lover she'd seen earlier that day had left her less than satisfied got her feeling a bit worked up. She slowly undid her lovely red dress and set it on a chair. Dinner can wait. or at least it can wait for James. she thought to herself. I think I need a nice big bit of meat n me right now. With that, she unclasped her bra, pulled off the matching panties and tossed them on the chair with her dress. That's when Rufus, thinking they were playing a game, jumped up and tried to grab it. He never understood why his masters friend acted different towards him, but if master liked her, he'd keep trying to like her too.

"HEY!" Sophia yelled, just in time to stop Rufus from grabbing the expensive lacy garment in his teeth. James could hear her from the other room but just rolled his eyes, knowing Sophia wasn't a big fan of Rufus. He continued checking on dinner.

Sophia rushed over and gave Rufus a kick in the side, "Stupid mutt!" she called out just as she landed the point of her heel into Rufus' rib cage. Before Rufus could yelp from the pain, his world went black and that's the last thing he saw was Sophia collapsing beside him.

When Rufus woke up, he felt different. It was much colder. He tried to wag his tail before he opened his eyes, but for some reason couldn't feel it. He quickly opened his eyes and saw a soft furry body in front of him. It looked like another dog, but he couldn't smell it. He sat up on his knees to try and figure it out,and that's when he realised, he had knees?

Sophia began to stir a moment later. The first thing she noticed was the strong smells in the room. She thought she could smell herself. Her favourite perfume mixed with something else. Something strong and musky. She shook her head and banged her muzzle on the ground. Ouch! she thought. Then, wait a muzzle? That's when she rolled over onto all fours and opened her eyes and saw her own body, sitting there on her knees, her beautiful breasts fully exposed. She went to say something, but all that came out was a firm bark. At that, Sophia panicked, not knowing what to do and ran around like she was chasing her tail. She was finding it harder and harder to think.

At the same moment, Rufus, in Sophia's body, started to get a number of thoughts enter his head. HE realised that Sophia hated him and that made him sad. Then, all her thoughts about his master and what she had planned, as well as her betrayal rushed in and Rufus felt angry. What seemed to overwhelm him though were all the thoughts of what Sophia had planned for tonight and the rest of the weekend. Rufus realised that his body felt similar to when he was encouraged to mount other dogs when he was away from James.

That was about the time that James walked back into the room, and the dampness in Rufus' new crotch intensified. "Ah! I see you want to postpone dinner?" James said to Rufus. Rufus seemed to understand and nodded his new head enthusiastically. As James took off his shirt and undid his pants, Rufus' new body began feelign very warm and excited. He kneeled down and looked at James with excitement.

It was then that Sophia, still very confused but knowing that something was wrong, jumped at James. Barking and trying to keep him from his old body. "Whoa boy! What's wrong with you? I'll have to figure that out later." he said as he grabbed Sophia by her collar and pushed her out the door into the backyard. "Now, where were we?" he asked as he dropped his boxers to the ground.

Whatever was happening, Rufus was excited about what was going to happen. He was pretty sure that he could speak if he tried, but realised he currently didn't have to. He somehow knew he was a girl now and realised somehow that he was in Sophia body. He knew what was coming next and a mix of his own memories and those of Sophia made him get on all fours and 'present' himself for his master. No! His lover.

As James grabbed Rufus' new hips and gently but eagerly pushed his massive cock into the pussy Rufus now found he had, a wealth of memories began flooding into his mind. It made his first orgasm unbelievable. As he realised how bad the old Sophia was and how he would be a much better partner for James, he slowly turned his head and caught a glimpse of his old body through the window. Sophia was either confused, distracted or had lost herself entirely and was eagerly cleaning her new penis and balls. Almost in preparation for tomorrow. This made Rufus even more worked up and push back against James harder as he realised he'd still be licking a penis, but from now on, it would be James'.


  1. Just want you to know I enjoy all your caps. Thank you. Nice to see some animal swaps for something different. Maybe a wife swaps there husband into their pet whatever to improve her marriage lol.

  2. wickdly funny. I wonder how the new Rufus will like serivcing? I think James will lovehis new GF more than the old.


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