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"Oh hunny! That new dress looks fantastic on you! Every man in the restaurant is going to be so jealous tonight."

"Baby, you don;t have to keep kissing up to me. Buying me dresses and taking me out for expensive dinners. I've forgiven you. What happens in Thailand, stays in Thailand!" Along with my penis. hee hee

Dave had been caught by his wife Chloe having sex with a Thai lady boy while they were on vacation in Thailand. When she had kicked him out to talk to the prostitute, he had panicked. His whole intention on taking his wife for their anniversary was to try and have sex with  a Thai lady boy. It was something he'd felt excited about for quite some time. He didn't think it would be so difficult to shake her while they were there but she had stuck to him like glue. It was fortuitous that they had run into Kulap and her friends. All Thai prostitutes with a 'little extra', Dave had hit it off with the young transgender girl and they'd made arrangements to catch up before he left. The next day had started off so well, then came crashing down when Chloe walked in.

He had been shocked how alright Chloe had been when he got back and couldn't believe she had wanted to make love. Perhaps she was trying to show him what he had almost thrown away. The reckless abandonment with which she had attacked him,and the screams of pleasure she made when he slid into her surprised him but made the rest of the day one of the best of his life.

The next morning Dave had woken up and decided he had made a terrible mistake. His fantasy had almost cost him his marriage and he felt terrible. He decided then and there to make it up to his wife and immediately changed their flight plans. Chloe awoke with the biggest smile on her face and looked at  her husband with a love he hadn't seen in awhile. Of course, that look turned to a shock close to panic when instead of going back up o their room, or out exploring. Dave led her to a taxi packed with their bags and drove to the airport. "I've decided to get out of here a little early and get back home babe. Let's get our life back to where it should be."

He couldn't understand why she looked so nervous, and kept looking around as the taxi drove closer to the airport. To try and distract her, he grabbed her and kissed her passionately while sliding his hand up her skirt. She jumped a little bit when his finger slid into her warm folds, then pulled back, smiled and said "Ah what the hell?", and kissed him even harder back while rocking her pelvis against his fingers.

Before long they were on the plane and heading home. 'Chloe' sat there, looking out the window with a grin on her face that looked like the cat that ate the canary. They landed and was all over Dave on the way back to their house. The last week had seen her attacking him at every opportunity and pulling his penis out for sex. On more than one occasion she commented that she never wanted his dick to leave her pussy, which would have been sexy if it hadn't been followed each time with  giggle and her repeating 'my pussy'.

For the first couple of days, the new Chloe what happened to the new Kulap was doing? What she thought and if she'd try to come get her body back. So far there had been one suspicious phone call with no one on the other end, but nothing else. Now she had gotten use to being Chloe and loved having her new pussy ploughed every day. Her old body would have to work a lot to get enough money to come to America and if that ever happened, she'd be ready. There was no way she'd give up her new pussy or her new husband. With his cock, she never missed her own.


  1. WOW th former Chloe gave up everything not thinking the new Chloe would like being a real woman a rich american. Ironic & funny. I too, wonder how the new Kulup is doing?


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