No Longer Worrying

"I'll be right there Liz. Just making a quick call to find out where the baby sitter is for Little Oscar."

"Ummm, OK Glen. Uh, that's,fine?" Just then, Oscar started fussing.

Glen was a single dad, just getting back into the dating scene. His wife had left him right after giving birth to their son. It had been 9 months and Glen had met Liz a few weeks ago at work. They had hit it off immediately, but working in separate departments, Liz wasn't aware of the issues that Glen had ben through over the last year. She was mesmerized by the fact that Glen was young, handsome, chiseled and sexy, but most of all, he was very successful which meant rich. She was determined to make him hers and take full advantage. Once he was under her thumb, she figured that she could get him to do anything for her. Buy anything for her, and if she played her cards right, sucked and fucked him til he couldn't tink straight, maybe, just maybe he'd be dumb enough to marry her. Thenshe could stop this work shit and live the life she deserved.

She was less than impressed to find out that Glen had a young infant son, let alone an estranged wife that he as still married to. Surprisingly, this had made her even more determined to succeed in her plan. She figured that once she had Glen wrapped around her finger, she could help reconnect to the ex, get her to file for divorce, and take the screaming little brat with her. There was no way she wanted to be a step mom.Especially to some snot nosed, smelly toddler.

She had been dating Glen for near a month now and her plan was working.He couldn't get enough of her. Sending her sickeningly sweet messages over the company intranet system, finding excuses to see her both at and after work. If only he didn't bring the brat with him when he made little surprise visits to her apartment. Oh, and she didn't even want to think how quickly the passion died while he set up that stupid portable cot and tried to get Oscar the grouch to settle down and sleep so they could move things to the bedroom. 

Still, she persevered. Here it was. Their first anniversary and he had promised to take her to her favourite restaurant (that just happened to be the most expensive in town) then off to a expensive suite at a top local hotel. She had intentionally not worn underwear to drive Glen nuts over dinner.

Then she had found herself waiting. She was half shocked that Glen hadn't tried to include the little snot goblin in their plans and was delighted he had arranged a babysitter for the night. That babysitter was suppose to be at his house a half an hour ago but still wasn't there and it was almost time for their reservation. Glen was in the other room checking on a few last minute things and trying to call the sitter to find out where they were. "SHIT!", Liz said, but not loud enough for Glen to hear. "If only you weren't in the picture. Then I wouldn't have to deal with this bullshit." Oscar just looked at her from the floor and laughed and giggled. Not knowing what was going on. "I wish I didn't have to worry about you and that I got to monopolize all his time instead!", Liz said.

That was her mistake, because someone or something heard her. Everything began to spin and turn dark. Then there was a bright spark of light and things had changed. Liz found herself on the floor and thought she had fallen off the bed she had been sitting on. Then sh looked up and saw something that shocked her. It was her! She went to ask, What the fuck! but all that came out was unintelligible sounds. Her own face looked down at her confused. That's when she heard Glen's voice say, "I'll be right there Liz. Just making a quick call to find out where the baby sitter is for Little Oscar." She was shocked to her her own body and voice respond, if not a little confused.

Just then there was a knock on the door and the babysitter walked in, apologetic that she was so late. Before Liz knew it, Glen reached down, picked Liz up, kissed her goodbye and shuffled her old body out the door. 

Liz's thoughts raced a mile a minute, but soon were a jumble. Before she knew it, all she cared about was when the nice lady was going to give her her next bottle and she could go sleepy. She didn't realise it, but on the plus side, she didn't have to worry about Oscar interfering in her relationship anymore.


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