Surprise! (Turnaround Is Fair Play 2)

Hannah was furious. Her mother had been a little too happy to leave the house that morning, all slutted up in Hannah's body, wearing next to nothing and Hannah's favourite heels. Now here it was getting late and she was nowhere to be found. Hannah had tried calling her old cellphone over a dozen times, but not only did her mother not answer, but she had changed her outgoing message to something unacceptable. When that bitch of a mother of mine gets home, she is going to be in so much trouble, she'll wish I swapped her into the dog. Hmmm! That might be an idea for when she does get here. Hannah thought as she paced back and forth in the kitchen.

Just then she heard the front door open and someone come in. "She went storming out to the front door, a full head of steam, ready to read her mother the riot act, "Where he hell have you been mo...Oh my god!" She stopped dead in her tracks. Her mother's mouth hanging open.

"Hey babe! Surprise! I got everything finished early, so I have th rest of the week, and the weekend off. Damn! You are looking pretty hot. I'm not sure if there's something different or if I just missed you and that hot, sexy body so much. Now, what was wrong and who did you think it was? Has Hannah done something wrong? God that girl can be a handful. Do you need me to step in and say something? As her father?"

Hannah just stood there with Victoria's mouth hanging open, unable to speak. She was definitely not prepared for this. Her father was suppose to be away all week at work and only getting back Saturday afternoon. She had planned to keep her mom's body, as well as her mom's plans with the girls on Friday night and enjoy a night out, drinking, dancing and having fun. What was she supposed to do now? Especially with her father here and her mother missing.

"Vic? Baby? What's wrong? Is it bad that I've come home early? I'm sorry." Greg said with a look of confusion on his face.

Hannah shook her head and had to think fast. She wanted to have a little fun at her mother's expense, but she didn't want to ruin her parents marriage. She quickly smiled, walked over, gave her father a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. She felt this was a bit more appropriate greeting as she said, "Sorry dear. I was just surprised, and Hannah has been driving me nuts today. Acting up. Wearing something not OK for school, and now she's stayed out late and not come home. But how was work? Why were you able to come home so early? Oh, umm, it is good to see you though." she added really quick and hoped he wasn't too suspicious.

Her father just smiled at her, a bit too lovingly for Hannah's liking, "Oh Victoria. Hannah is young and rebellious, but we have a good girl there. Don't worry too much about her. I don;t think she's as naughty as you were when you were her age?", he said with a little playful wink. "speaking of which, and seeing your mouth open like it was when I got home, why don't we go upstairs to continue this greeting?" With that, Greg grabbed who he thought was his wife, and walked her up the stairs.

Hannah was lost in thought at first, thinking about how her father had defended her. She had always loved her dad, but because she didn't see him often lately, due to his work schedule and being out of town so much, she'd almost forgotten how they'd had a special bond. Couple that with the fact that he and her mom always seemed to monopolise all of his time when he was around. That made her a little bit angry thinking about it.

She didn't realise where she was until she heard a zipper working, and looked up to see her father smiling as he undid his pants and dropped them and his boxers to the ground. He had already discarded his shirt and was now moving to undo Hannah's dress. Hannah stood there frozen, not knowing what to do. She tried to smile but wasn't sure how it looked on her panicked face. Before she knew it, her father was directing her down onto her knees.

She opened her mouth to say something, anything to delay the inevitable, but as she did, her father took that as his cue and slowly but firmly pushed his erect penis inter her mouth. Hannah wasn't sure what shocked her more. The fact that she now had her father's dick in her mouth, or the fact that her body was responding and working it, almost on it's own, as if a muscle memory was taking place and doing exactly what her father wanted it to do. Right down to the moans of delight she was making.

She had done this a couple of times with Rick, her boyfriend, but wasn't able to slide her lips too far down his shaft without setting off her gag relex and almost throwing up, but her mother's body didn't have that problem. She could put her father's entire cock in her mouth, til her nose was pressed into the musky part of her dad's pubic area. When he finally exploded into her mouth, she was shocked both by the fact hat she was able to swallow it all without much effort and that she felt somewhat disappointed that it was over.

That's when her father reached his hand out to her and lifted her up and led her to the bed. "The night's only begun babe. It's good to be home."


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