Friday Night Fun

Stacey couldn't understand it. She had left her new dress and new shoes on the bed before getting ito the shower. She had come out to find them no longer there. She looked beside, but of coure, they weren't there and why would they be?

As she wrapped the towel around herself  a little tighter and continued to look for them, trying to remember if she had moved them, she heard a cry of pain and then a giggle that sounded somehow familiar.

Knowing that it came from her son Dylan's room, she made her way down the hall to his room. All the time wondering what would hold he up more? Trying to find her outfit or whatever her son had gotten himself into now. He was supposed to be in bed and sound asleep. Her sister would be here soon to look after him while she enjoyed her regular Friday night out with the girls. She couldn't be late again. She was the reason they got stuck in the line at the club last time and had to 'convince' the door staff to let them in.

As she came around the corner to Dylan's room, the sight she saw caused her to stop dead in her tracks and her chin to drop. She wanted to say something but was speechless.

"Oh, hi mommy! Don't I look pretty? Well of course I do, cause I look like you.", her doppelganger said with a melodic giggle.

Stacey gave her head a shake and began stammering, "What? Who? Why do you look like me? Who the hell are you and were's my son? Dylan? DYLAN?" she screamed.

"Oh mommy, you're so silly. It IS me. I am Dylan. Although right now, I'm more you mommy. What do you think. Did I do good getting into this dress and doing my make up. I just seemed to know what to do, although the shoes are a bit hard to walk in and it hurt my foot when I first tried to walk. What's wrong mommy? Why aren't you saying anything?"

"Oh my god Dylan! What have you done? Why on earth would you do-eek..." Stacey grabbed her throat as it let out a squeak. Just then, her towel, which a moment ago had been wrapped tightly around her, dropped to the ground. As she went to reach down for it, she suddenly stopped as she noticed three, distinct things. Firstly, Dylan was clapping and saying "Yay! Finally!" Second, her breasts seemed to have disappeared and she seemed thinner, in a disturbing way, and lastly, there appeared to be a small penis growing where her vagina should be.

She could only stand there speechless as the changes finished, and in no time they stopped and she just somehow knew that se was a copy of her ten year old son. She seemed to operate mechanically as the new Stacey put is old little boy pyjama's on her new tiny body, lifted up and put her in bed. The last thing she saw before her eyelids closed was her old body put a shiny glowing rock on the shelf beside the bed. The last thing she heard was someone downstairs say 'Hello!' and her old body say. "Whew! Just in time". And with that, her son went downstairs to greet his aunty and wait for his new friends to why mommy always had so much fun on a Friday night...


  1. Funny, well written. Poor woman, I wonder if she gets her body back?


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