They'd Look Better on Me

"What's going on? Why can't I move? Cathleen? What's happening? Have you done something?"

Tim had come home from another long day at the office, sat down and immediately asked his wife Cathleen for a beer. Not a hello. Not a how was your day dear, and worst of all, not even a second glance at the new lingerie and shoes she had bought. Cathleen had had enough. The new lingerie was Tim's last chance to stop neglecting his wife.

Cathleen figured that once she wore him out in the bedroom, he'd be more amicable to talk about why he had been neglecting her. She was somewhat sympathetic. She knew how stressful her husbands job was, and wasn't it only last year he had committed to a nice three week vacation in Fiji for just the two of them? Then she remembered how they had returned early as Tim's work had tracked them down and insisted he come back to resolve one issue or another.

Tim was a very dedicated employee, but should have remembered to be as dedicated a husband as well. A man should always put his woman first, especially when that woman was a very powerful witch.

When her so called loving husband had come home and not even noticed how sexy she was dressed, and she KNEW she looked fabulous, she set her Plan B in motion. Freezing him in place, she slowly began removing all of his close, all the while explaining to him why she was upset and how much it hurt her. Tim, on his end was almost as excited as he was scared and nervous. Sure, he couldn't move, but his wife was looking so hot! Was that a new outfit? On top of that, she was taking off all of his clothes...looking like that. Surely he was in for a wild time. That's wen he noticed how frozen he was, as although he felt aroused, his manhood was not responding as it should. In typical male format, he started worrying about what was wrong with him, rather than if it was maybe part of what his wife was doing. Of corse that all changed to absolute panic when he saw it begin to shrink and disappear into his body, only to be replaced by a very smooth, perfectly shaved pussy.

That;s when he noticed the rest of his body, his hairless, long legs. The breast ow suspended on his chest and the long brown hair tickling his back and now erect nipples. His mind became so confused to the point that he didn't even notice his wife slide the new thing up his legs and fit it comfortably between his new, bigger, softer butt cheeks. Nor did he notice her take her new shoes off and do the straps up around his new slender ankles. She then went to the front all closet, put on her usual black pumps, grabbed a leash and ridding crop and went back to attend her 'husband'.

A myriad of thought and emotions were cascading through Tim's mind as he obeyed his wife's orders to get on his hands and knees and follow her to the bedroom. Cathleen was enjoying herself so much as she led her now submissive, transformed husband up the stairs that she didn't notice what his eyes were fixated on. Cathleen could only smile and think about all the lovely things she was going to force her husband to submit to. Fortunately she had always been bisexual, so she knew she'd enjoy the evening. Unfortunately for her, the top thoughts running through Tim's new girly mind were how much better those stockings would look on him and how well they'd go with the outfit he planned on wearing to work the next day. 


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