Careful What You Wish For...

"Ugh! I'm so so tired!"

Evelyn had been looking forward to a girl's night out for weeks. Being a single mother, working 40 plus hours a week, looking after a toddler and still trying to maintain a social life was proving to be pretty much impossible.

It was about three weeks ago that her friends had insisted she book a babysitter and some time off from everything to have a wild girls night out. Little did Evelyn know that they had a parade of eligible single men to come and go throughout the night to see if they could match her up with a new beau to help her in her life...or at least get her laid now and again.

That would explain why her bestie had come over and riffled through her closet and found the sexiest, skimpiest dress she could and her old, but favourite, sexy, strappy, come fuck me heels.

As she finished doing her hair, all the time keeping an eye on the only current (little) man in her life, her son Archie, she inhaled a big breath and sighed. "You've got it made little guy. Sleep. eat and of course poop. Not a care in the world. On top of that, you'll be asleep in about a half hour while I'm being dragged from sleazy bar to sleazy bar. I envy you." As she dropped her robe and did up her shoes, realising that Justine had not put a pair of panties out with the outfit and also wondering if that was intentional, she looked over at little Archie was was playing with a Thomas the Tank Engine toy, giggling and smiled.

"At least one of us is excited and having fun. Wanna swap little man? You can go out with the girls and I can stay here and get some rest for a change." she said with a chuckle, but the next thing she knew, the room began to spin and she fell to the ground and was out cold.

As Evelyn began t come to, she wondered what had happened. She realised it was hard to remember what she had been doing. Wasn't she supposed to be going somewhere? Oh, she thought as she saw the blue train engine in front of her. Thomas! she thought and picked it up. She looked at her tiny little hands and didn't think that seemed right but couldn't figure out why. That's when she her favourite shoes, but they had someones feet in them. She looked up. First to her own beautifully shaved pussy, then up into her own eyes and sat there, very confused.

That's when her own body smirked and said, "Well, I see you've finally woken up, and I'd say the transfer of thoughts and mannerisms is almost complete. I'm not sure how or why this happened mommy, but I have a feeling it has something to do with your wish. Oh well. I guess we'l have to see if we change back later, but in the meantime, I better get ready for your, well I guess now it's MY night out. Hmmm, all these memories of what happens and what COULD happen are very interesting." Archie said in his mothers voice as he wrapped her flimsy little dress around his now curvaceous womanly body.

He absently picked his old body up, Evelyn still presenting a confused but not unhappy look on his old face, and put his old body down in his crib, just in time to hear the doorbell ring. When he opened it he smiled and made the same high pitched noise as his mother's friend Justine. Justine gave her a hug and slipped her hand up Archie's skirt. "Oh my god girl! You did take my hint and aren't wearing any undies. That should make tonight a bit more interesting, and easier for the guys." Justine said with a wink.

"Shut up Ho!" Archie said with his mother's own melodic giggle. "My sitter should be here any minute and we can get going. Want a glass of wine while we're waiting?"

...and with that, Archie slipped fully into Evelyn's mannerisms and life, thinking that maybe this no undies thing was a good idea...


  1. LOL OUCH! craeful what you wish for indeed. Veyr good story


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