The Thing's She Didn't Tell him

Jason's uncle was looking better and better the longer he spent in his aunt's body.

It had been almost a week since Jason and his aunt Alice had swapped bodies. When he had agreed to swap with his aunt, he thought it was just some elaborate joke that his aunt was playing on him. They had always been close, and she had constantly told him how lucky he was to be young and a boy. That the world was his oyster (whatever THAT meant). If he didn't think that she was beautoful, lucky and had a fulfilling life, he would have realised that she was actually miserable and jealous of his life.

Sure, Alice was beautiful, and rich and married to a handsome successful man, but her life kept her feeling like a prisoner. She was constantly required to look her absolute best.Her husband, although the life of the party and everyone's favourite, was more than a little bit cold to her. She realised early on that she was simply another beautiful object he possessed, and heaven forbid she get up any day and not put on make up and dress to her best. As for children, which she wanted desperately, he was against this as he worried it would ruin her perfect body and forever mar it. Npo one but Alice knew how miserable she actually was.

Although not overly close with her sister, who she assumed was jealous (like most women) about how beautiful she was, she had always been close with her nephew Jason. As he entered his teens and started to become a handsome young man, Alice found that it was her own jealousy that reared it's ugly head. Admiring how carefree Jason's life was. He had no limits to his future and with the way young girls threw themselves at him, he'd have his pick and could produce as many children as he wanted. She knew if she were her nephew she'd find a way to impregnate whomever she wanted. He'd be successful as well, so his economic potential was there as well.

That's when Alice stumbled across the body swap spell. It would transform two people into each other, but only if they both agreed. They would gain each others knowledge and mannerisms and could put a time limit on it. Alice wasn't surprised by the last catch either. If one or both swapper's were male, they could have as much sex as they wanted, but if both or either were female, the act of any man's semen entering her womb would seal both in the bodies they possessed at that time.

That gave Alice the perfect idea. She would tell Jason just enough to not alarm him. She knew as his favourite aunt, he'd agree to almost anything. She also knew that her body could not go even a week without sex so both agreed that the spell should last a week.

Jason had initially been shocked that the transformation had really worked. Once his aunts memories and mannerisms entered his body, the opportunities for this seemed endless. He thought of all the time he could stay at home, lounging by the pool, shopping and of course, drinking. He didn't notice one other aspect of the spell. Alice knew that she could hide certain memories from Jason, but by not releasing this information to him, she'd get every single drop of his memories. She managed to hide her true intentions, and one tiny other detail.

Enter Day 6: Jason had had a ball!HE had tried on so many of his aunts expensive (and sexy) clothes. He had acted as her at not one but two of his uncles parties, and had racked up quite the credit card date on clothe, shoes and lingerie. The hardest part had been suppressing his aunts hormones and keeping his uncle at bay.  AT first the thought of having sex with his uncle was repulsive, but the more he remembered what it was like, the more his defences broke down. Finally he couldn't take it anymore. His aunts body was not only on fire but had been so wet the two previous evenings, that if his uncle hadn't accepted no as an answer, he would have slid right in easily. Jason though, what the fuck!  It would be a unique experience, and he had been religiously taking his aunts birth control all week,

As Jason sat by the fire, in just a white bra and matching panties. His favourite pair of his aunts heels still on, he looked longingly at his uncles firm, muscular body. He didn't even notice the fire beside him as it was nothing compared to the fire inside him. That night he not only gave in to his host bodies needs, he was somewhat the aggressor. As he screamed out at his first female orgasm, he felt his uncle explode inside of him. At the same time, a warmth started at his feet and quickly burned through his body to the top of his head. Jason lay back, basking in the after glow, wondering how many more times he could do this before they swapped back the next night.

Across town, in Jason's former room, his aunt was receiving her nightly blow job from a pretty young girl she had decided to start 'dating'. Just before she came into the young girls mouth, something she had enjoyed far too much, she also felt the same warmth rise through her body. She smiled and grabbed Becky by the back of her head and came in her mouth harder than she had all week. As she looked down smiling at Becky being obedient and swallowing every drop with a smile, she realised the memories she had been holding back from Jason seemed to be drifting away. Not disappearing, simply feeling free. She smiled again as she knew that Jason would right now be gaining the knowledge of her true intentions, and also that those pills he had been taking every morning were nothing but sugar pills. Hopefully Jason's new husband wouldn't be too upset if he was now pregnant.


  1. good to see more from you. Wickedly funny, well plotted.

    1. Thank you! More to come. Just life and everything getting in the way. ;-) Thanks for your support.

  2. can u do a follow up to this please


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