We can switch back, right?

"Hmmmm! Not too bad at all. You look just as hot, in fact maybe just a bot hotter, from this angle. I can't believe how easy it is to walk in these heels, and your clothes are so snug. It even makes me feel sexy. How do you not just touch this body all day?" "Well I did grow up with it, and the novelty wears off pretty fast." "Well fortunately I'll be back in my body long before that happens. So where shall we meet on Sunday? I can't very well come back here. My wife will be here with the kids. We'd have a hard time explaining why Cindy the prostitute was showing up to chat." giggle " "I do have outfits you can wear that are a bit more respectable you know." "I'm sure you do, but what are the chances that I'll have time to wear them. mmmmmm, and I doubt they feel as good as this. Now how much do I owe you to cancel your weekend appointments?" "Well, we can work that out later. After all, you...