The Right Decision

* sigh* " Another one of your oh so boring dinners dear? Why do we have to go to these so often? Although it does get me out of the house and away from this foul offspring you convinced me to produce for you. Ugh! I can't believe you not only allowed, but encouraged this beautiful body of mine to get fat just so you could have an heir? Enjoy him, as he'll be the only one you get." "Ah darling! The on;y one I'll get from YOU at least." Evan said as he gave his gold digging wife a wink and a chuckle. "Oh Evan darling! You know that you'll never divorce me. You'll lose much more than half of everything you own if you do, and if there is any kind of infidelity, well, let's just say you'll be lucky to get out of this house with that cheap cotton shirt on your back." Gloria said with her own devilish little smile on her face. "Ah yes! The things we agree to sign when we THINK we're in love. You were very good my dear....