Fair is Fair

"Ummm, excuse me, but what the hell do you think you're doing?", Angela said in her brothers deep baritone. Jason looked up at her as he put his last high heel shoe on, with a bit of a smile and said, "Why getting ready for school. You are giving me a ride today, aren't you dear brother? I wouldn't want to be late. Especially after missing the last couple of days. I'd hate to get a reputation." He then gave his old body a little wink. He was getting even more amused the angrier his sister got. He couldn't help but think that when he got angry, he looked a little bit silly. "A reputation? That's exactly what you're going to get me if you go to school in, well in THAT! Where on earth did you get it and why in God's name would you want to wear it to school? I thought being in my body made you feel uncomfortable and disgusting? You promised that you'd spend the week 'sick' at home rater than trying to be me in publi...