All according to plan

"Hello lover! So vat do you sink?" George just stood there, confused and transfixed. The accent was that of the housekeeper Birgeitte, and the 'uniform' she had changed into was much different from her usual attire,but more so was her entire attitude and demeanor. If he didn't know better , he'd almost swear she was carrying his wifes swagger. It took him a minute, but he shook his head and decided to get to the bottom of what was going on. "Ummm, excuse me Birgeitte, but can you tell me what the heck is going on here? I can't imagine that outfit will be very comfortable to complete your duties in? Has Mrs. Collins seen you like this? I doubt she'll be very happy. You best change and get back to work." "Ah, Jorge. You silly, silly man. It IS me. Katerine. Your loving wife. Do you like? Birgeitte has agreed to zis temorery svitcheroo so zat we may, how you say, have a leetle fun. She has given me total freedom to do vatever you vant...